Your Stories

Here we share your stories of sexism, sexual harassment and sexual assault in healthcare. Every story is a powerful testimony, describing lived experiences and the impact of sexual violence.
Thank you to every person who has shared their story with us.
Content warnings
These stories contain descriptions of sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
All Stories — Page 14 of 16
I was being sexually harassed by a patient. I felt frightened and did not feel safe at work. I went to see a male colleague for advice who specialises in this kind of risk management and whose role it is to advise on issues like this. He told me there is nothing I can do other than to eat 10 doughnuts every night.
In our hospital it is common knowledge that one of the male matrons makes sexual advances to female nurses more junior to him. Many staff avoid leaving do’s and Christmas parties because he is so much worse when he has had a drink. If a nurse rejects his sexual advances then he targets her for months (or until she leaves); he criticises all of her work, spreads false information about her, publicly belittles her, denies her training opportunities, blocks any promotion prospects.
On one ward I worked on, I received comments about my appearance from male staff almost every day. Some of the staff would very obviously look me up and down slowly before saying anything. I received frequent comments about whether they thought I had gained or lost weight, what they thought of my hair that day, what my facial features looked like, whether I was look tired or my skin was looking glowy… it was relentless and was always something. I tried to dress in a plain and conservative way, did not wear makeup and kept my hair the same every day so that there was less to draw attention to my appearance. I felt so self conscious of my appearance during that job. I just wanted to do my job and do it well and didn’t want to feel like my looks were always being evaluated.
I was at an interview for a senior nurse position. The consultant asked about my life outside work, asked if I had a partner, I said yes a husband, his next question any future plans? I didn’t know how to answer and said nothing, as recently we had donated our remaining frozen embryo to research following unsuccessful fertility treatment ending our fertility journey. Would they have asked a man the same question?
Our ward was mostly staffed by female Band 2 and Band 3 Health Care Assistants (HCA’s). The male Matron was keen to employ some males and said that we would never be able to appoint men at this banding because men wouldn’t work for this level of pay. He pushed to get Band 4 HCA posts in the service, stating more publicly that it was to get a better skill mix and that these posts would take on more responsibility. Males were subsequently recruited to the Band 4 posts, whilst the female HCA’s continued to work at Band 2 and 3. On paper, they should have had different roles but in reality they carried out all the same duties. All of the Bands were officially open to all genders, however there was a clear gender divide in who got recruited to which Band.
It took 9 years of university degrees and clinical training to qualify as a Clinical Psychologist and I have extensive training and clinical experience since qualifying. Despite this, when male patients I was working with responded well to psychological treatment and showed improvements/progress then colleagues frequently said that this was because the patient fancied me. Comments like this were never made to male colleagues. I repeatedly feel that my clinical skills and expertise are undermined and that my work being successful is instead assumed to not be an achievement but instead due to my appearance and gender.
My ES (male) told me that if I want to make it in surgery as a woman, I need to keep my head down, be as unobjectionable as possible and do everything anyone asks me to as no one likes an outspoken, demanding female.
When I was an FY1 working in orthopaedics my clinical supervisor told me that I should go into primary care because as a female that was the best career choice for me. It would make life easier to have children and I would be able work part time to look after them. We had previously never discussed my career options/aspirations or whether I wanted/could have children.
I was keen to apply for a position that I had seen advertised and so spoke with the Consultant Psychiatrist in the team to express my interest and find out more about the role. She told me that she is keen to appoint a male to the position so that they don’t end up with someone who then goes on maternity leave.
I raised a complaint in regards to a supervisor who frequently behaved in a sexist manner. The investigation was carried out by two senior male members of staff. One of them told me that he didn’t understand what institutional sexism was. In their outcome letter following the investigation, they addressed me by my first name and did not use Dr but addressed him as Dr and his surname. We have the exact same qualifications and are both Dr’s. The way the investigation was handled made me give up in trying to raise issues of sexism at work again.
I am in a management role and lead a large team. I have had several experiences of men within my team who are much more junior than me being invited to represent our discipline in senior meetings or on interview panels instead of me and without any consultation with me about this, despite them not being qualified enough to take on those tasks. I have never experienced a woman in my team being invited in my place to given tasks that are above her level of seniority. This has been frustrating and when it happens, it leaves me disempowered and undermines my ability to effectively fulfill my leadership duties. It also creates challenges in managing those male staff going forward when my authority has been undermined in this way.
I had lost a significant amount of weight and dropped 2 scrub sizes. At a work function a colleague made a comment to my partner about how lucky they were. When my partner asked for clarification it turned out that a colleague had noticed my assets jiggling whilst we were running to a cardiac arrest. Unbeknown to me colleagues in theatres, ICU, maternity and ED had been checking out my assets for the last few months. I was mortified and still struggle to look them in the eyes. Most shocking bit… how you all interpreted that post. I’m a straight male and it was female colleagues giggling and checking out my package, but if i tried to place any sort of complaint it would be written off as workplace banter or bragging.
As an F1, I was made to walk towards the nursing station and back again, I wasn’t sure why. After the walk, the Consultant asked me, “out of 10 what do you think of that Physios (might have been a nurse) arse?” I hesitated, take a look at what I realised was what he wanted me to look at and uncomfortably answered “maybe a 7 or 8”. I realise, thinking back that it was really unacceptable despite finding it more peculiar than threatening, being young and impressionable. It is potentially more unacceptable because it was also acting as a test of my sexuality, considering this Consultant went on to ask indirect questions to my housemate (fellow FY1) whilst oncall together, about me, which would help confirm, I assume, his suspicions about me being gay. To which she replied why don’t you ask him yourself?! I was only out for a couple of years by this point and a little more guarded about it all. He also took my phone off me and briefly went through my messages (or pictures I cannot remember) in front of the team, which actually made my housemate more uncomfortable than myself.
I was recently made aware of a competition being ran between several of the male FY1 doctors on the stroke ward in my hospital, to see who would be the first to sleep with a whole MDT. I found out as one had been boasting about how he’d already ticked physiotherapist, nurse and dietician off his list and had recently been texting a speech and language therapist.
One year during my Educational Supervisor meeting, they asked me: “When are you going to fit your exams in? Before or after you have children?” There had never been any previous conversations about my intentions regarding having, or not having a family.